Past ACT® Curves

ACT English Curves

By Difficulty (easiest to hardest exam) By Difficulty (easiest → hardest exam) | By Test Date By Test Date

Raw Score{{ test.title }}
{{ n }}{{ test.curve[n] }}

ACT Math Curves

By Difficulty (easiest to hardest exam) By Difficulty (easiest → hardest exam) | By Test Date By Test Date

Raw Score{{ test.title }}
{{ n }}{{ test.curve[n] }}

ACT Reading Curves

By Difficulty (easiest to hardest exam) By Difficulty (easiest → hardest exam) | By Test Date By Test Date

Raw Score{{ test.title }}
{{ n }}{{ test.curve[n] }}

ACT Science Curves

By Difficulty (easiest to hardest exam) By Difficulty (easiest → hardest exam) | By Test Date By Test Date

Raw Score{{ test.title }}
{{ n }}{{ test.curve[n] }}

ACT Writing

How Your Essay is Graded: Once your essay is sent in, two readers each give it a score from 1-6 in four categories: Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, Language Use and Conventions. The scores for each category are summed up to get the category’s Domain Score.

1st Reader 2nd Reader Domain Score
1-6 1-6 2-12
Ideas and Analysis _____________ + _____________ = _____________
Development and Support _____________ + _____________ = _____________
Organization _____________ + _____________ = _____________
Language Use and Conventions _____________ + _____________ = _____________

The four Domain Scores are then added up to get a value between 8 and 48. Finally, that value is divided by 4 to get your final writing score (2 to 12), the one colleges look at.